I am Andrew Stuart, an enthusiast of Go-Kart. Riding Go-Kart is always fun. I enjoy every moment that I spend with my Go-Kart. Every Sunday I go to Go-Kart Tracks and start my racing. I enjoy this activity and want to spend the whole of my life with the vehicle. I am satisfied with my present one.
What I talked About Here
I have been riding Go-Kart Since 2014. With my 8 years’ experience, I can explain which one should buy and which one should avoid. I have used more than 70 Go-Kart in my whole life. I have faced many difficulties with these. Once I bought a Go-Kart for thousands of bucks. After using a couple of weeks, it was damaged fully. I lost my money.
I had to face so many problems with Go-Kart in my entire life. I don’t think this was a problem, I always consider these problems as my new learnings. In this GokartRiders blog, I am sharing all of my learnings one by one. I will also talk about the products which gave me 100% satisfaction during riding.
Why You Should Believe Me
Because of my experience, you should believe me. I have learned many things in 8 years of Go-Kart riding experience. I know what to buy, what things should I consider before buying a Go-Kart, how to do proper maintenance of my hoverboard, when should I change my engine, when should I wash my Go-Kart, etc.
Besides, I have so many friends who love to ride like me. They share many stories, experiences with me. For more reliable information I do research deeply every product I recommend, every guide I do publish, every tip I do share. So you can believe my writings without any hesitation as I consider all things, then publish articles.
How Data Are Collected
True information can make your game, on the other hand, false information can break your game. Misinformation leads to choosing the wrong product, as a result, the experience becomes worse.
That’s why I give much attention when collecting any information to share. I scrutinize every information I get from other places. After 3 step checking, I publish them on my GokartRiders blog. There are several ways through which I collect the data. Let’s check the sources:
- My Personal Experience: As an experienced Go-Kart rider, I know many tips and tricks on Go-Karting. All of my learnings since 2014, have become my knowledge. So my learnings are the first source of collecting data to write the blog on GokartRiders.
- Colleague Opinion: Community people love to share their experiences. I have many friends who are riding Go-Kart for many years. Some of them go to Go-Kart Tracks with me. Whenever I face any problem, I discuss the problem with them. If they have knowledge about it, they share it with me. Besides, all products I mention here are selected with their cooperation.
- Expert Opinion: I also discuss the problem, that I can’t solve with my seniors who are riding Go-Kart for decades. So they have deep experience on many issues. After failing to solve any issue by community people, I go to the experts who have resigned from the racing with huge experience. They are very helpful and help me always to solve the problem.
- User Experience: Besides collecting information from industry experts, I also collected from the people who have used the Go-Kart previously. I take an interview with them about the Go-Kart. They inform me about every upside and downside they faced with the Go-Kart. This type of method helps me to bring an honest review of a product in front of Go-Kart lovers.
- Manufacturers: I also collect information by contacting the manufacturer. I talk with them about every problem I faced with their hoverboard. They try to solve the problem or take the necessary steps to solve the problem. All of this information I keep sharing on my GokartRiders blog.
These are the way I collect information and share here. If you have any further queries about my process of collecting information then feel free to contact me.
I have tried to inform you all things about me that one can require to know. I am now connected with Go-Karting and participating in several competitions around the world. To be updated with me, keep your eye on my blog, read my recent reviews, tips, guides, etc. Hope you will enjoy every piece of information I share on GokartRiders.
Thank You!